When I read this story, I was disgusted. But, as we are fighting police brutality and miscarriages of justice here in America, countries around the world are going through the same struggles with authority. Got this story from HipHop Wired:
The allegations of abuse by invading imperialists have been reconfirmed when a video of three male members of the United Nations ‘peacekeeping' forces raping a young Haitian man was recently revealed.
The video appears to have been captured on a cell phone camera, and it shows a U.N. worker from Uruguay raping 18 years-young Johnny Jean, while a few other colleagues hold him down and watch, laughing. The assault occurred in the town of Port-Salut, back on July 28th 2011.
The victim and his mother, Rose Marie Jean, are said to have testified in front of a judge and gone on local radio stations revealing the homosexual practices of the filthy occupying U.N. operatives.
Although initial reports of the assault were denied, the video proves otherwise.
It has not been proven yet, but the assailant is said to have been dismissed from his military duties, and Uruguay claims to be continuing its investigative efforts.
U.N. forces have long been accused of… looting, raping, robbing and murdering victims; as well as spreading diseases like… cholera, gonorrhea, syphilis and H.I.V.; throughout its global colonizing conquests of other countries.
Check out the video: