
Friday, June 29, 2012

Texas man kills and eats his friend's dog

There are certain portions of the world that think nothing of eating dogs. America is not one of those regions. Now, a Texas man has been arrested for killing and eating his roommate's pet dog. Hip Hop Wired reports:

First, human beings were put on alert over potential zombie attacks, and now man's best friend is no longer safe. A Waco, Texas man was arrested Monday (June 25) for killing and eating his roommate's dog.

Michael Terron Daniel, blamed his actions on a “bad trip.” According to police, Daniel took the synthetic drug K-2 (a mixture of herbs and spices similar to  THC, which is the main component in marijuana) and began attacking his roommate—before he set his sights on the dog. He beat and choked the Spaniel mix, until it died, then began to devour the lifeless animal.

When a neighbor tried to stop him, Daniel got down on all fours and started “barking and growling like a dog.” Police arrived on the scene to find the suspect sitting on the porch with the dog's carcass on his lap. He “took a bite out of the fog, ripping pieces of flesh away and eating them,” revealed  Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton, and had “blood and fur in his mouth.”

This latest dog feast is the second story of its kind in the last couple of weeks. As previously reported, a North Carolina man bit the ear off a police K-9 , then denied the act.

Although his roommate declined to press charges, Daniel has been slapped with a felony cruelty to a non-livestock animal charge. He is being held at the McLennan County Jail on $5,000 bond.

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