
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Jason Kidd arrested after a long night of partying in New York

Jason Kidd is entirely too old to be making the mistakes of a 21 year old. Maybe New York wasn't the best move for him to make. Hip Hop Wired reports:

Jason Kidd celebrated signing with the New York Knicks by engaging in a series of bad decisions which commenced with being arrested for drunk driving, early Sunday (July 15). Like any athlete looking to bring down his (somewhat) upstanding public image Kidd was relentless in his efforts to make sure that his night ended in the most embarrassing way possible: by being carried out of the club.

One would assume that not being able to control your own two feet would deter a forward-thinking individual from getting behind the wheel of a vehicle—but Jason Kidd doesn't subscribe to a lifestyle of restraint. Rather than get a ride, Kidd drove himself, and was reportedly so wasted when driving down New York's Suffolk Court lane, that he had no idea how his car ended up wrapped around a power pole.

Once questioned by police Kidd said “I had a few drinks. I'm the driver,” as if it wasn't already evident. From there he was transported to a local hospital before being taken into custody.  In show of sheer irony, the 39-year-old was expected to be a mentor to newcomers on the Knicks like Jeremy Lin—who has since accepted an offer from the Houston Rockets.

Surely he's not the only one on the team who has made mistakes, but perhaps Kidd should seek guidance rather than give any out.

Check out photos of his unfortunate night below.

*Update* Jason Kidd pleaded not guilty to DWI charges.

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