
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Private Investigator doesn't believe Chris Lighty killed himself

It's been about a month now, and people are still struggling with the thought of Chris Lighty committing suicide. Now, a PI is also questioning the suicide theory. Hip Hop Wired reports:

The private investigator hired by the late Chris Lighty's mother does not believe the Hip-Hop mogul committed suicide last month. Lisa Evers of Fox 5 (also of Hot 97's Street Soldiers program) continues to follow the case closely spoke with the lead investigator, Les Levine, about his ongoing case. 

"I guess it comes down to the bottom question: Do I believe Chris would kill himself?' The answer is no," Levine told Fox 5.

Although Levine was hired by Lighty's mother, 50 Cent provided the funds. A longtime client of Lighty's Violator Management, 50 also revealed that they had secured a lucrative tour that could have netted them $4M. This is one of the reasons the rapper, and Levine, is dismissive of any theories that Lighty's finances led to him taking his own life.

Levine also isn't convinced about the theory that despair over a turbulent marriage to Veronica Lighty caused Lighty's alleged suicide. However, Levine has not been able to speak to Veronica Lighty who is grieving and save for a trust fund set up for his children, is set to inherit his entire estate.

Scott Leemon, who is offering up his services pro bono, is leading the investigation and asks for anyone with information to send to:

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