
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Connecticut woman arrested after pulling a gun in Chuck E, Cheese

Apparently, there is no place sacred (or safe for that matter) anymore these days. Who brings a gun into a Chuck E. Cheese? Tawana Bourne does, that's who. Hip Hop Wired reports:

A Connecticut woman was arrested for pulling out a loaded gun at Chuck E. Cheese, Monday (Feb. 4). Tawana Bourne was arguing with another parent when she showed her weapon.

Police say that the 30-year-old had a .380 semiautomatic handgun, and chambered a round. Authorities believe the Bourne intended to use the gun. “That's a step up from just having a handgun in your possession,” said Newington Police Sgt. Chris Perry. “Obviously taking it out and chambering a round, there's non-verbal intent there. So that's how I'm assuming the victim took it, and that's how we took it.”
Witnesses say Bourne got into the verbal altercation with a parent whose child was pushed by her 2-year-old son.  Staff immediately called 911, but no one was injured at the establishment.
When police arrived, Bourne and the parent had been separated.  In a newspaper interview one day after the incident, Bourne described herself as a “very good person” and “very involved in the community.”
Chuck E. Cheese released a statement about the incident assuring that they “take great measures to protect the experience children and families have in our stores.”
Bourne has been charged with reckless endangerment, threatening, breach of peace, and risk of injury to children. She had a permit for the gun, and was released on $50,000 bond. She is due in court Feb. 19.

WFSB 3 Connecticut

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