
Sunday, March 3, 2013

County locks down all schools because of the Fresh Prince theme song

Apparently there are people in this world that are threatened by lyrics by one of the least threatening rappers in the history of Hip-Hop. It was threatening enough that a whole county in Pennsylvania lockdown all of their schools behind it. reports:

The theme song to legendary 1990′s sitcom “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” caused panic in a Western Pennsylvania town earlier this week.

All schools in Beaver County in Ambridge, Pennsylvania were locked down on Thursday (February 28), after a line from the sitcom’s theme song was mistaken as a threat.

The bizarre incident began when a receptionist for a local eye doctor’s office called a 19-year-old student’s phone.

Travis Clawson’s greeting featured him imitating the line from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” theme that says “shooting some B-ball outside of school.”

The receptionist thought Clawson said “shooting people outside of the school.”

The receptionist called local police, who contacted administrators at Ambridge High School.

When Clawson could not be located, local police issued a countywide lockdown of all schools in the district.

Clawson was later found in the guidance a guidance counselor’s office in Ambridge High School.

Police “swarmed” Clawson and took him into custody. The teen said he meant no harm when he was imitating Will Smith.

Local District Attorney Anthony Berosh confirmed that Clawson was imitating the rap song, and was released without being charged.

Clawson was however, encouraged to change his message.

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