
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Trayvon Martin's girlfriend writes a letter and tells of the teens final moments

Trayvon Martin's girlfriend finally discusses her memory of the teens final moments from her perspective in a letter. reports:

Trayvon Martin’s alleged ex-girlfriend has been known as Witness 8 but has been providing the latest polarizing updates in Martin’s murder case. Last Thursday (March 28th), the prosecution revealed a new piece of evidence in the form of a handwritten letter from the Martin’s ex-girlfriend that she sent to his parents a month following his February 26th, 2012 murder.

The letter was dated March 29th, 2012 and verifies the young lady’s previous claims made about the night. In the letter she details how Trayvon was followed and even attempted to evade his follower:
“It started to rain so he decided to walk through another complex because it was raining to [sic] hard. He started walking then noticed someone was following him. Then he decided to find a shortcut cause the man wouldn’t follow him. Then he said the man didn’t follow him again. Then he looked back and saw the man again. The man started getting closer. Then Trevon turned around and said why are you following me. Then I heard him fall, then the phone hung up.”
The letter was made public as State prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda in a reply to the defense calling for sanctions on the state for failing to inform the defense  in a timely fashion that Witness 8 made false statements previously. Witness 8 previously lied about her age and being hospitalized during Martin’s wake.

This new evidence was obtained on March 13th when the prosecution deposed her in South Florida. The trial is set for June 10th.

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