
Thursday, May 2, 2013

San Diego teens suspended over "twerking" video

Just and FYI, I will not be posting the video to this because if the individuals in this video are in high school, chances are they are underaged. And The Urban Advocate nor it's affiliates want to be associated with minors doing anything of a sexual nature. But we will tell you that everyone involved has been suspended from school and it's activities. Hip Hop Wired reports:

A group of high school students at San Diego's Scripps Ranch High School have been suspended and face possibilities of not graduating or attending their senior prom according to reports. In all, 33 students who called themselves the “Scripps Ranch High School Twerk Team” were accused of violating the school's zero-tolerance s-xual harassment policy because of a twerking video.

San Diego's NBC 7 reported on the incident, talking to students from Scripps Ranch regarding the suspensions. All students involved in the suggestive video were part of the journalism class group, and electing to be taped -- although it's been reported by at least one parent that the students didn't know if the clip would be made public on YouTube.

“I don't think they should have gotten suspended. I think the filmers should have been suspended, but not the girls involved,” said senior Brooke Carlucci to NBC 7. Carlucci did not appear in the video.
Parent Mark Silverman added, “I just think it's not that big of a deal. It was just expression, maybe overly expressive I guess.”

On Twitter, a hashtag “#freethetwerkteam” has emerged and several students are rallying behind their suspended classmates. As reported by the San Diego Union-Tribune, school board member Scott Barnett will bring up the incident at this coming Tuesday's closed board meeting. “I want to make sure I am comfortable that the facts and activity warrant the consequences," Barnett said via a statement.

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