Well the FBI is claiming there is a new threat involving rap groups encouraging gang activities. One rap group in particular, the Insane Clown Posse. Allhiphop reports:
According to the FBI, rap music is integral to the process of recruiting new gang members.
“Gangster rap gangs, often comprised of juveniles, are forming and are being used to launder drug money through seemingly legitimate businesses,” according to the report.
The report claims that gang members often host legitimate events that serve a double purpose: to launder money and recruit new members.
“Juvenile gang members in some communities are hosting parties and organizing special events which develop into opportunities for recruiting, drugs, sexual exploitation, and criminal activities,” the report says.
The report doesn’t stop there.
According to the FBI, the Insane Clown Posse’s fan base known as “Juggalos,” has officially been branded a “hybrid gang.”
“Open source reporting suggest that a small number of Juggalos are forming more organized subsets and engaging in more gang-like criminal activity, such as felony assaults, thefts, robberies, and drug sales social networking websites are a popular conveyance for Juggalo sub-culture to communicate and expand.”
According to the report, gangs are also using Facebook, Twitter and other websites across the Internet, to recruit new members.
“Gangs are becoming increasingly savvy and are embracing new and advanced technology to facilitate criminal activity and enhance their criminal operations Prepaid cell phones, social networking and microblogging websites, VoiP systems, virtual worlds, and gaming systems enable gang members to communicate globally and discreetly,” the report reads. “Gangs are also increasingly employing advanced countermeasures to monitor and target law enforcement while engaging in a host of criminal activity are becoming increasingly savvy and are embracing new and advanced technology to facilitate criminal activity and enhance their criminal operations. Prepaid cell phones, social networking and microblog- ging websites, VoiP systems, virtual worlds, and gaming systems enable gang members to communicate globally and discreetly.”
The report said gang members are also using countermeasures to monitor and target law enforcement.
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