Our thoughts and prayers go out to 50 Cent's camp. Hip Hop Wired reports:
Producer & Music Executive, John Atterberry has died. Atterberry was the victim of a random shooting spree in California on Friday. Atterberry was hit by random gunfire, and later died from his wounds.
Allhiphop expands a little bit on the tragic incident:
40 year-old, former Death Row vice president John Atterberry passed away earlier this week after being shot by a “crazed gunman” in both the face and the neck over the weekend. The music executive also helped propel the careers of artists such as the Spice Girls and Jessica Simpson. The Hollywood Reporter detailed the events: “Atterberry, 40, was sitting in his silver Mercedes-Benz coupe Friday by the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Vine Street when the gunman shot him three times in the face and neck. He was taken to Cedars-Sinai hospital, where he remained in critical condition until Monday afternoon. He was pronounced dead at 4:51 p.m.”
Check the news report:
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