7) He doesn't do what you expect him to do, when you expect him to do it.
Sometimes it seems like men and women operate in two time zones. When a woman asks a man to do something, she expects it to be done right away. Men do things when we feel like it or when it's convenient for us. If it's something that can wait until later, chances are when you're dealing with us, it will.
Not sure exactly what you want us to say about that. Men generally aren't into the whole cuddling thing, especially when the relationship isn't that serious yet. So, if a man decides to cuddle with you, it's a sign of intimacy. But, just like with anything else, you can't force it.
5) When he overtly express his appreciationMen generally aren't very emotional creatures. So when we don't get excessively sensitive about a gift, a home cooked meal or a simple gesture, women tend to think we're not appreciative. We feel a simple thank you is enough for you to know we appreciate what you've done for us. But, for some women, it's not.
4) When he doesn’t invite you to come along with him to certain placesGenerally, men need their space. We need to get away from our ladies sometimes and let loose. Maybe he can't do that with you around, so he doesn't want to take you everywhere we goes. Don't get offended by it, because it has nothing to do with how we feel about you.
3) When he isn't connected to you at the hip out in publicNo man is his right mind will just completely abandon his woman at a party or club. But, he came with you and he's leaving with you, so chances are, he doesn't want to spend the whole time with you while he's there. You all came out so you could be around other people and women make "friends" a lot easier than men do. So, if you're at a gathering and he decides he wants to go watch the game with the guys or hop on the domino table and stick around to keep you company the whole time, don't worry; you'll see him on the ride home.
2) When he doesn't tell his friends/family everything about youFor the most part, women tend to share more about the inner goings-on of their relationship with others. Men, generally don't. Sure, we speak about our women, but, hardly go into any great detail. So, when you come around and it seems like his friends/family doesn't know everything about you or your relationship, don't take it personal. It doesn't mean you're not important to him.
1) When he doesn’t overreactWomen find some sort of validation in knowing their man is emotionally involved in their relationship. So, when something happens or she deliver some news to him, she expects him to lose it. She expects him to freak out and be overly emotional about it. But, as I said earlier, generally, men aren't very emotional creatures. Some women take their man's nonchalant attitude or the lack of a reaction as a sign that he doesn't care or he's not emotionally involved. Not true...he just rather not make the Grand Canyon out of a pot hole.
List inspired by 7 Times Women Overreact by madamenoire.com.
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