I understand what Geraldo Rivera is trying to say, but it absolutely did not come out that way. Hip Hop Wired reports:
Today on Fox And Friends, of course, Rivera commented on the slaying of Trayvon Martin at the hands of wannabe police officer/Neighborhood Watch vigilante George Zimmerman.
“I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman,” said Geraldo. That's not a well chopped, sensational pullquote. Think Progress transcribed the entire exchange between Rivera and the show's hosts and guests:
BRIAN KILMEADE (co-host): Let's talk about the Trayvon Martin case and what's going on in Florida right now.
GERALDO RIVERA: I believe that George Zimmerman, the overzealous neighborhood watch captain should be investigated to the fullest extent of the law and if he is criminally liable, he should be prosecuted. But I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies. I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman was.
JULIET HUDDY (guest-host): What do you mean?
RIVERA: When you, when you see a kid walking — Juliet — when you see a kid walking down the street, particularly a dark skinned kid like my son Cruz, who I constantly yelled at when he was going out wearing a damn hoodie or those pants around his ankles. Take that hood off, people look at you and they — what do they think? What's the instant identification, what's the instant association?
STEVE DOOCY (co-host): Uh-oh.
RIVERA: It's those crime scene surveillance tapes. Every time you see someone sticking up a 7-11, the kid is wearing a hoodie. [...] When you see a black or Latino youngster, particularly on the street, you walk to the other side of the street. You try to avoid that confrontation.
Here's the video:
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