This one is story is kind of interesting. It almost cancels out everything we've seen from the group Anonymous. Hip Hop Wired reports:
Hector Xavier Monsegur, 28, is better known as Sabu, the most prominent member of Anonymous and leader of the now defunct hacker group LulzSec.
It has been revealed that Sabu was an FBI informant for the past few months and assisted authorities in snagging members of both Anonymous and the remaining members of LulzSec on two different continents.
Reports by FOX News state that Sabu was arrested last summer at his housing complex in New York's Lower East Side when his IP was tracked by feds and they allowed the evidence to mount before apprehending him. He pled guilty to 12 charges in August but didn't enjoy the idea of being incarcerated in real life and fell victim to the good cop/bad cop song and dance that authorities use to get someone on their side. Sabu sang, and sang and sang to avoid being a caged bird. Meanwhile, he continued being the most vocal of the Anonymous crew and publicly cheered his comrades for new hacks and dished out slander to the U.S. Government. Before the Anon crew knew what hit them, they were swept up in multiple raids thanks to the information that Sabu provided
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