It would be nice if our summers were more like the Will Smith classic, "Summertime". Everyone in that song was in a good mood, enjoying the weather, partying and eating good! But, where I'm from, the summers look more like the Spike Lee Joint, Do The Right Thing. The heat seems to entice some of the most irrational behavior all year long. And with summer right around the corner, we decided to get you ready by giving you a little glimpse of what you're going to have to deal with. I saw this list on MadameNoire.com, and decide to tweak it to make it more suitable for us. So here are the "8 Most Annoying Things About The Summer".
8) The heat itself

Bottom line, unless you're having a summer like we did here in Dallas back in 2007 where it rained almost everyday, you're not going to escape the heat or the sun. In the winter, if it gets cold, you can put on a few extra layers of clothing to get warm. During the summer, it doesn't matter how much you take off, it's still going to be hot! All you can do, is try your best to stay cool and stay hydrated.
7) People wearing less clothing to beat the heat
No, we're not talking about the ladies pulling out their short, shorts or the fellas pulling out the muscle shirts and wife-beaters; we're talking about some of the most wide and off-side people walking around looking like a hot mess. We're talking about these people with beat-up feet in desperate need of a pedicure and a foot doctor walking around in sandals. Just wrong!
6) The ratchet parade comes out
I don't know what it is about the heat that brings the rats out. But, for some reason, every summer we see some of the most ratchet behavior in the world. You see some of the weirdest hairstyles (that I would imagine has to be hard to maintain in the heat) and some of the most awkward hair colors. Whatever it is, the ratchet parades marches on non-stop every summer.
5) The loiterers hanging around for no apparent reason

During the summer, people like to get together. Nothing really wrong with that. People like to hang out; nothing wrong with that. But, then you have those people who are doing nothing but posting up somewhere. In front of your house, or apartment or store just making everyone uneasy. Then, when someone says something to them about it or ask them not to hang around like that, they act like you've done something wrong.
4) Obnoxiously loud music when no one wants to hear it

Now this mostly occurs when the teenagers come around with no consideration for the people around them. But, this also happens because during the summer, people like congregate and have gatherings. The music starts blaring, and you just have to hope that it's something you don't mind hearing.
3) Kids out of school for the summer

Over here at The Urban Advocate, we love the kids. But, during the summer, these little gremlins run around with no where to go and nothing to do, but get on adults nerves. Screaming all the time, raising hell and constantly getting into something. So, prepare yourself for it now, because it's right around the corner.
2) The block is hot when the cops come out

When the heat goes up, the cops come out. I don't know if it's because the crime rate rises during the summer, or if they're upset because they have to patrol the beat in those dark, hot uniforms; but for whatever reason, the cops seem to turn up the heat making our summers hotter than hell.
1) Fights over the dumbest things

We've all been around a big group of people during the summer and a fight break out for no apparent reason. Fact of the matter is, when the temperatures rise, the tempers flare. People become a little more irritable when the heat becomes less bearable. So our advice for the summer of 2012, keep your head on a swivel, try your best to keep cool and keep your cool.
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