One thing I always tell people, if you're going to do some dirt, you have a better chance of getting away with it if you do it by yourself. Well, it seems as if this is a lesson Chris Brown is going to learn the hard way. According to new reports, Tyga recently pulled a Kobe Bryant over the incident that took place involving Chris Brown in Miami. The Miami Herald reports:
Gossip Extra hears that Brown’s fellow rapper Tyga, who was at the scene of the incident, told police Brown got hot under the collar when he saw two female fans snapping his picture on their cellphones. Brown assumed the photos, taken outside Cameo nightclub in South Beach, would end up on the Internet, according to the Gossip Extra report.
Why would that be bad? Because, Tyga told police, Brown was taking two groupies home — not good when one is trying to hook back up with one’s high-profile ex-girlfriend.
Tyga told detectives: “The guy’s trying to get back with Rihanna, and he knows that wouldn’t happen if the photos ended up online,” said the source, who asked to remain anonymous.
As Brown worked his way through throngs of bystanders that night on South Beach, Brown allegedly ordered one of his two bodyguards to make two women stop http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifphotographing him.
“Chris kept telling him: ‘Erase the mother******* pictures,’ ” the law enforcement source said. “ ‘Those photos can’t get out there.’ ”
The bodyguard obliged, then returned the phone.
But according to the police report, from the back of his black Bentley, Brown grabbed fan Christal Spann’s iPhone, called her the B-word and closed his window as the car rolled away.
Police have requested that the Miami-Dade County State Attorney issue an arrest warrant for Brown, which had yet to be done Saturday night.
Read more here: www.miamiherald.com
And now for a ghetto public service announcement:
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