If there was any doubt in anyone's mind that racism was still alive, here's your answer. The KKK is still recruiting new members according to Fox News in Atlanta. Hip Hop Wired reports:
A tiny, well-kept suburb just 30 miles southwest of Atlanta appears to have a growing situation on their hands in the form of the Ku Klux Klan ramping up recruitment efforts in town. Residents of Newnan, GA found their quiet existence rattled by an appearance of flyers featuring a hooded Klansmen placed in a plastic bag appearing alongside Sunday newspaper circulars this past weekend. Residents were taken aback by the discovery.
“A little shocked in this day and time because of the neighborhood that we live,” said Elaine Beasley, an African-American resident, to My Fox Atlanta, who broke the news. According to census records, Newman reports the majority of its residents as white, with a near equal number of African-Americans dwelling in the suburb as well. My Fox Atlanta followed up by calling the contact number found on the flyers.
Reaching out to Frank Acona, supposed leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the news outlet was met with a smug reaction to flyers and their distribution. “I've had hundreds of calls to the Traditionalist American Knights hotline thanking us for the flyers we put out, telling us they appreciate us, and that makes it all worthwhile,” said Acona. He also feigned ignorance as to who was behind the printing and distributing of the literature in Newman, only saying it was from his website.
The homeowners association attempted to retrieve the offensive documents, but their efforts came too late and news spread quickly. Universally, Newman residents were appalled by the bold gesture although fears were certainly stirred up in the hearts of the town's Black residents.
“You should be able to work and live without fear,” Elaine Beasley later said.
Check out the video:
KKK Recruitment Flyers Left at Newnan Homes: MyFoxATLANTA.com
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